Who is AAGALA?
It's important you know who we are and why, so you really know we wear our empathetic hearts on our sleeves at AAGALA.
My name is Tracy Chapman, and I have worked as an Education Professional & Environmental Manager since the early 1990's. I have extensive teaching, curriculum design & management experience, and I love developing animal-assisted learning programs specific to my clients' needs. I am a member of the following professional associations: Association for Humane Educators (APHE), E3A, AnimalTherapies Ltd, the Psychotherapy & Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA), The Australian Counselling Association (ACA), the Australian ADHD Professionals Association (AADPA), & Developmental Educators Australia.
I am passionate about humane education, environmental science (especially waste management, sustainable living & design & ecosystems management) and animal welfare. Establishing AAGALA is not just about creating a job for myself; it is about helping to make the world a kinder, safer & more sustainable place for all living things and about helping us all to become the best humane being we can be.
I am an active wildlife rescue volunteer with WIRES and have undergraduate qualifications in business with post-graduate qualifications in Counselling, environmental science, education, animal-assisted interventions & learning and I am currently studying a double Masters in Counselling & Developmental Education. I hold vocational qualifications in equine management, and vet nursing. I am continuously studying non-accredited vocational courses in Natural Horsemanship, psychotherapy and NeurOptimal Neurofeedback. I will forever be a passionate lifelong learner.
I first discovered NeurOptimal Neurofeedback when my son and myself were diagnosed with ADHD and whilst I was also looking for therapeutic support for PTSD. Working with NeurOptimal for both ADHD & PTSD was so beneficial that friends and family soon began asking me for help with their own challenges. This motivated me to seek further training in NeurOptimal and work with it commercially to help other clients be the best they can be.
AAGALA's animal-assisted therapy and learning programs would not be possible without our dedicated team of [mostly] rescued animals. We have a herd of American Paint horses who train with me in Parelli Natural Horsemanship. Our horses all have their own individual horsonalities, skills & quirks, they are curious and engaged and love participating as partners in our Equine Facilitated Learning programs. We have a wonderful team of rescue guinea pigs, chickens, and a Sassy parrot called Ida. We intend to grow our team as rescue reptiles & fish need rehoming. We are surrounded by wildlife here on our beautiful property. You will soon be able to experience nature at its best once our discovery walks are completed around the property, and our sensory eco-gardens and food forest are complete.
In 2023 my son will be joining me at AAGALA. Presley is an Occupational Therapy student at Southern Cross University in Coffs Harbour & will assist me with the running of various programs onsite. Once he registers with APHRA we will be adding Occupational Therapy to our AAGALA business.
If you have any questions about my methods or our unique programs or would like to schedule a NeurOptimal Neurofeedback session, please don't hesitate to call.